Monday, June 29, 2009

The Abomination that is the BET Awards...MJ Tribute....WHAT ARE YOU THINKING FOR REAL???????

So like I'm really not even going to dwell on how horribly put together the show was. I mean it really looked like they just eff the rehearsals lets just do the show. And how are these people entertainers, but yet they look like the person that's scared to get in the front of the class to present. Again we're not going to dwell on that because we all knew the show was going to be horrible, but we thought that there was inkling of hope because the "MJ Tribute" and I use the term "tribute" extremely loosely.

BET used the King of Pop's death as a shameless plug to get ratings.

I was having some issues with YouTube but now that that's over with...*sidenote if anyone would like to help me out with the formatting part of my blog it would be GREATLY APPRECIATED*.*Back to Scheduled Programming*As I was saying, We ALL know that Ciara can't sing, hell SHE knows that she can't sing. So why put on stage to SING a tribute to Michael and NOT Dance. I'm so confused right now. Examining the entire tribute there wasn't any dancing. HOW IN THE HELL are you going to do a tribute to a man that not only revolutionized singing but DANCING, and we don't have the dancer do a dance tribute. Oh but look who does do a dance tribute....

I like Jamie and all but What the Hell??? I mean HE DID WAY BETTER THAN ME LOL....but really, he's the only one to attempt a dance tribute to Michael Jackson. This is some pure BULL. Michael does NOT approve. They focused so much on trying to upstage the other networks by doing the tribute first that they compromised quality. It just goes to show why no one really has any respect for BET as a network. I mean how to you publicize that there is going to be major Tribute but you leave out a key factor of the man's career. Oh and let's talk about how tasteless we were at the end to post a picture of Janet and Michael on the screen behind her as you have her make a statement....

How tasteless was that...I digress. All I have say is when you publicize something and leave out a key factor ask yourself this question...WHAT ARE YOU THINKING FOR REAL??????

Friday, June 26, 2009


It truly saddens me today to write this post. The world has lost THE BEST ENTERTAINER to EVER grace this earth. I mean....and I believe that I can say this....but there is NO ONE that didn't love Michael at one point in their life. It all came as such a shock. I mean I never got the experience like my parents did to see him in concert but I mean those are truly memorable moments. Do you realize how many stars would NEVER have even existed if it weren't Michael Jackson...hell his own sister wouldn't be in the industry if it weren't for him?

I remember watching this concert on VH1 (I hope they play it again) and HBO. I mean I was amazed by looking at it on T.V.. He just was great. There's no other way to explain it. He was the ultimate entertainer. Who can you listen to now that you can listen with not only your mother and father but your grandparents too? I mean thats longevity.

The thing that ticks me off about this whole thing is that the media feels the need to remind us of all of the negative that MJ has been through. We know about the allegations, the suspected drug use, etc. seriously STOP. The man is dead and WHY WON'T JUST LET HIM BE GREAT?????? He was extremely talented and NOTHING can dispute that. Stop bashing someone who just lost their life. Not only was an extremely talented Artist, but he was also someone's Father, Brother, and Friend. So the next time you hear *I wanna Love You (PYT)....*All I wanna Say is that They Don't Really Care About Us*...or my all time favorite( one of them at least) *I Wanna Rock With YOU*....REMEMBER THE LEGEND AND HIS LEGACY....NOT THE NEGATIVE!!!!!!!



Thursday, June 4, 2009

New Programs on the Laptop...oh wait My Trial is Over...What Are YOU Thinking For Real?????

So you start up your laptop, which you've only had for about a month, and you notice a box that pops up. Yep, its a program on your computer letting you know that your free trial is up and you know have to 39.95 for the program. Ok my problem with this: I just spent $700-$1300 on the laptop and now you are forcing me to spend another extra $75- $200, on something that should have been included with the system, like the picture above shows, Virus protection and Spyware. Yea thank you for being a rip off while the country is in a Recession.

And what the heck happened to having the generic games that you could play on your laptop or pc for free. I went to look for my games on laptop and got happy for a minute. I had like 30 games in the folder. Come to find out I got to play it one time before I found out that that was another scam for me to spend more money. I mean I would prefer having no games on my system versus 30 one time trials. That's pure crap. I want to know who in the heck came up with this idea. I mean really...but yea it's what ever.

Ultimately when you're trying to open programs on you computer, you feel like you are repeatedly seeing the above access denied sign for every program you try to open. So the next time you open a file on your computer and it proceeds to tell you that this a trial version, please join me in asking.....WHAT ARE YOU THINKING FOR REAL???

Monday, June 1, 2009

Man My CAR on Point....What Are YOU Thinking For Real????

That ish that I'm displaying above represents the stupidity of the youth of my generation. What on earth would possess you to put Louis Vutton, McDonald's, and Cool Whip (seriously though were you really that desperate to trick out your car to put cool whip on it...le sigh) we DEFINITELY got to do better. I just don't understand. I could see if we were getting paid to put this on our car, but no...we're doing this cause WE want to 'HOOK IT UP'.....yeaaaahhhh. *Side-Eyeing you REAL HARD* This has got to be one of the stupidest fads to every hit society. Then the cars that usually have this mess on there are barely able to run anyway so why pour all this money into to a car that might not start in a morning. Hmmm...that's real smart for you. Again *side-eye*. Then the McDonald's car has the nerve to have Ronald McDonald in the car with them, personally I don't think Ronald McDonald would be caught dead in some garbage like that. People really need to re-evaluate what they do in life because this ish right here just makes me shake my head every and I MEAN EVERY time I see them.

So does covering your car with the LV symbol signify an upgrade or are you just trying to make yourself fill good about you busted up vehicle,...I mean it's just a question here. I don't know why we can't be happy with what we have. I can understand a little paint job here, some tints here, and even some rims; but endorsing franchises on your car, yall know the deal already....WHAT ARE YOU THINKING FOR REAL??????????